Darren Aronofsky
☼ Né le 12 avril 1969, à Brooklyn, New York City, New York, USA
Biographie Darren Aronofsky was born February 12, 1969, in Brooklyn, New York. Growing up, Darren was always artistic: he loved classic movies and, as a teenager, he even spent time doing graffiti art. After high school, Darren went to Harvard University to study film (both live-action and animation). He won several film awards after completing his senior thesis film, "Supermarket Sweep", starring Sean Gullette , which went on to becoming a National Student Academy Award finalist. Aronofsky didn't make a feature film until five years later, in February 1996, where he began creating the concept for <a class="lum_taxo_link lum_link_with_movie" data-modal_window_filmid="0138704" data-target="#theModal0138704" title="ouvre une nouvelle fenê  (cliquez pour ouvrir) tre avec les informations de l’IMDb">Pi (1998) . After Darren's script for Pi (1998) received great reactions from friends, he began production. The film re-teamed Aronofsky with Gullette, who played the lead. This went on to further successes, such as Requiem for a Dream (2000) , The Wrestler (2008) and Black Swan (2010) . Most recently, he completed the films Noah (2014) and Mother! (2017) .


Dans le rôle de réalisateur

Requiem for a dream (16/04/2008)

Hallucinant. C’est le meilleur terme pour définir le deuxième long-métrage de Darren Aronofsky, réalisateur de Pi et The fountain . Un film laboratoire, où toute une palette d’effets de raccords, d’esthétiques visuelles, de mises en scènes sont expérimentées. On aurait pu avoir du Godard, mais au final on a du Lynch. Aussi torturé, fantasmagorique et […]