Lana Wachowski
☼ Né le 21 avril 1965, à Chicago, Illinois, USA
Biographie Lana Wachowski and her sister Lilly Wachowski , also known as the Wachowskis, are the duo behind such ground-breaking movies as The Matrix (1999) <button type="button" class="btn-close" data-bs-dismi  (cliquez pour ouvrir) ss="modal" aria-label="Close" data-target="theModal0133093"> and Cloud Atlas (2012) . Born to mother Lynne, a nurse, and father Ron, a businessman of Polish descent, Wachowski grew up in Chicago and formed a tight creative relationship with her sister Lilly. After the siblings dropped out of college, they started a construction business and wrote screenplays. Their 1995 script, Assassins (1995) , was made into a movie, leading to a Warner Bros contract. After that time, the Wachowskis devoted themselves to their movie careers. In 2012, during interviews for Cloud Atlas and in her acceptance speech for the Human Rights Campaign's Visibility Award, Lana spoke about her experience of being a transgender woman, sacrificing her much cherished anonymity out of a sense of responsibility. Lana is known to be extremely well-read, loves comic books and exploring ideas of imaginary worlds, and was inspired by Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) in creating Cloud Atlas.


Dans le rôle de réalisateur

Matrix Reloaded (06/09/2005)

On peut souvent entendre que pour connaître la qualité d’un homme, il faut voir ce qu’il a dans le pantalon. Ca choque, et pourtant on a l’habitude de faire la même chose avec les films, et de regarder ce qu’ils ont dans les effets spéciaux. De ce côté-là, Matrix Reloaded se rapproche des tous grands, […]