The Masters of Darkness


Still shaking from the shock of this encounter, you examine the ghastly creature carefully, using the tip of your weapon to lift back its many folds of rubbery grey flesh. It is equipped with two sets of snake-like fangs, both of which ooze a sticky yellow fluid. Your senses tell you that this fluid is a deadly venom, capable of killing a victim in a matter of seconds. Whoever placed this Plaak in your cabin was attempting to assassinate you.

You flick the remains of the creature under your bunk. As you rise to your feet, you hear a loud, intermittent whistle sounding on the deck above: it is the signal that Helgedad has been sighted by the lookout. With your heart pounding at the thought of seeing the Darklord’s most infamous stronghold for the first time, you leave your cabin and ascend to the level above.

Turn to 326.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness