The Masters of Darkness


The Intrepid responds to the wheel, and, as the wind fills out her sails, she begins to pull away from the first ironclad. Your hopes rise but they are soon dashed when a jolt runs through the deck and she rolls back towards the enemy vessel. Then you see why you cannot escape.

‘Davan! Quick, have your men cut the grappling lines!’ you shout. Immediately he urges his men to carry out your command. Anxiously you watch as the second ironclad bears down on the stern with unnerving speed. The lines are soon severed and you feel the ship swing about, yet the enemy craft is almost upon you, its deck crammed with more troops, poised to leap aboard. Suddenly it hits the rear quarter, and you are knocked down by the shock. The screech of tortured metal and the crack of splintering wood fill the air, yet the deck soon rights itself and you are able to regain control of the helm. Despite the shock of impact and the fearful noise, the enemy craft has only glanced the bow, its steel-tipped ram missing the rudder by just a few feet. It scrapes alongside before veering away amid a cloud of foul, yellow smoke.

The crew cheer and the Drakkarim marines falter as they watch their vessels slipping away to the stern. The battle on board turns in your favour, and, as Davan and his men press their advantage, you feel sure that the Intrepid will make a successful escape along the coast.

Within the space of a few minutes your confidence is shattered anew by an unexpected attack.

Turn to 74.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness