The Hunger of Sejanoz


You steel yourself for the attack, and then you kick open the door and launch yourself screaming into the chamber beyond. Your sudden appearance catches the robbers completely by surprise, but to your dismay, you soon discover that one of your adversaries is armed with your Kai Weapon which he delights in using against you.7

Tomb Robbers (with Kai Weapon): COMBAT SKILL 52   ENDURANCE 48

If you win this combat, turn to 128.

[7] It is uncertain whether the Tomb Raiders benefit from the special magical bonus of your Kai Weapon or whether the magic of the Kai Weapon is only active in the hands of the Kai. If you decide that the bonuses apply and your Kai Weapon is ‘Illuminatus’, add 2 points to the Tomb Robbers’ COMBAT SKILL because the Tomb Robber is wielding it underground. If your Kai Weapon is ‘Valiance’ and you possess Kai-alchemy or Magi-magic, add 3 points to the Tomb Robbers’ COMBAT SKILL because the Tomb Robber is wielding it against a magician. If your Kai Weapon is ‘Kaistar’, add 2 points to the Tomb Robbers’ COMBAT SKILL because the Tomb Robber is wielding it at night. Also, if your Kai Weapon was damaged during Vampirium, remember to deduct the appropriate penalty to the Grave Robbers’ COMBAT SKILL.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz