The Hunger of Sejanoz


It is the sound of a sharp hiss through clenched teeth, and it makes your Kai senses scream a warning that you are in deadly danger. Hurriedly you spin around on your heel and find yourself confronted by two hulking creatures that have emerged from the trees. Although hunched over, you can tell that they are both several yards tall. They have muscular truncated legs that end in fearsomely twisted claws, and their bony orange heads have slitted eyes that pulse unnervingly. From between their alien eyes protrudes a beak-like nose, jagged-edged and wickedly sharp.

With a hideous shriek the creatures are upon you, slashing and stabbing with their terrible claws and beaks. Desperately, you and Chan struggle to unsheathe your weapons as you are forced back in the face of their fearsome onslaught.

Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 82.

If it is 5–9, turn to 106.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz