The Hunger of Sejanoz


You take the dice and breathe on them. Then you toss them to the ground and Chan leans forward, eager to decipher their meaning.

‘You will face many challenges and many battles, my lord,’ he says, thoughtfully, ‘but a glorious victory shall be yours. Yet you must beware the cold. A freezing death is your greatest peril.’

It strikes you as odd that Chan should interpret the dice in this way, and the risk of freezing to death in the middle of summer seems a remote possibility. But you accept his reading in good spirit and he is pleased by your favourable reaction. He offers the Xi-die to you as a present, a token of his respect for your reputation and your innate Kai skills.

If you wish to accept Chan’s gift, record the Xi-die on your Action Chart as a Special Item that you keep in the pocket of your tunic. You need not discard another Special Item if you already hold the maximum number permissible.

To continue, turn to 204.

Project AonThe Hunger of Sejanoz