Rune War


You tell the Guard Captain that you are on a secret mission for Lord Vandyan, and that you cannot divulge any detail for you have been sworn to secrecy.

‘I am answerable only to our leader and I demand to be released at once,’ you say, with great bravado.

The Guard Captain utters a terse laugh, but you can tell by the look in his eyes that he suspects you might just be telling the truth.

‘I shall check your tale with the reeves of Skull-Tor. Until they confirm it is so, you will remain here in the guardhouse … as our guest.’

He summons the two gate guards and orders them to place you in a holding cell until your story is confirmed. They are to lock the door, but they are not to confiscate any of your Weapons or equipment. As ordered, the guards escort you away and put you in a cell which is illuminated by daylight. It streams in through a solitary barred window. As soon as they leave, you drag a chair over to the window and stand on it in order to get a better view of what lies outside. You can see the blackened rooftops of Duadon and a narrow alleyway which runs parallel to the southern battlements. Mindful of the pressing need to escape before your story is discovered to be false, you set about the task of finding a way out of this guardhouse cell.

If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 347.

If you possess Grand Nexus and wish to use it, turn to 279.

If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 151.

If you possess none of these skills, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 39.

Project AonRune War