Mydnight’s Hero


The air temperature begins to rise and you sense a benign aura of tranquillity radiating from this spirit. The ghostly knight lowers his broadsword and bows at the waist; you have passed a great test and clearly you have won its respect. Your Sixth Sense tells you that it has looked into the depths of your soul and it approves of what it has discovered there.


As the temperature approaches normal, the apparition shrinks and its vapours are drawn back into the tomb. You hear the bolts being pulled on the chapel door, and then it bursts open and in rushes Baron Lodamos with his Marshal and a dozen of his armed guards. He sees Karvas lying on the floor and he pulls to a halt. ‘Aha! Just as I thought. Another of Sadanzo’s assassins.’ Then he notices you standing before the tomb and a look of puzzlement creases his noble brow. The Marshal of the Guard kneels beside Karvas and touches his fingers to the side of his neck, seeking a pulse. ‘He’s alive, my liege,’ he says, incredulously.

‘Then it’s true,’ retorts the Baron. ‘He really is our Prince returned from exile. Quickly, Guntor, take him to my chambers at once.’

To continue, turn to 131.

Project AonMydnight’s Hero