Mydnight’s Hero


You are getting ready to leave the derelict warehouse when the tower bell starts to toll. Minutes later a long line of black-clad figures, mostly soldiers, comes filing along the street towards the building. Two great doors swing open to receive this procession and you catch a glimpse of the building’s cavernous interior. It is richly appointed with tapestries and golden ornaments, yet, despite its beautifully crafted opulence, you feel nothing but a sense of revulsion. Your Kai Sixth Sense informs you that this place is a temple wholly devoted to the worship of an evil deity.

As soon as the procession has entered, the doors are closed and the bell ceases to toll. Shaken but undeterred by what you have witnessed, you leave the warehouse and hurry across the street towards the base of the tower.

If you possess Kai-alchemy, turn to 228.

If you do not possess this skill, turn to 175.

Project AonMydnight’s Hero