Mydnight’s Hero


You strike camp at dawn and set off along the plains road to the east. The morning sky is clear and sunny, and the air is filled with butterflies and the sound of bird song. Having now entered Siyen, and with ten days remaining to Harvestmas, you are feeling quietly confident that you will reach Seroa in time for Karvas to be crowned King. But the Prince is a little less optimistic. He tells you that you are now in the western province of Cavalia, a region which shares its name with its principal city. The province and city are ruled by Sadanzo, the evil Baron who seeks to usurp the throne of Siyen. Karvas advocates that you both remain vigilant until you are safely beyond the borders of his enemy’s province.

It is nearing noon when you first glimpse the towers and spires of Cavalia glinting on the horizon. The plains road leads directly to its fortified gatehouse, but Karvas is anxious to avoid entering the city. He proposes that you leave the road and use a smaller trail which threads through several small villages and settlements that ring the city. You are approaching the first of these villages when you see a troop of thirty horsemen riding towards you on the trail ahead. They wear chainmail armour and they each have the emblem of a black eagle’s head emblazoned upon their white surcoats and shields. A golden crown surmounts these eagles’ heads and Karvas gasps when he sees them. He signals to you to rein in your horse and, as you come to a halt, he tells you that the approaching horsemen are wearing the livery of Baron Sadanzo. The black eagle’s head is his mark, but it is the addition of a golden crown that has shocked Karvas. It is the sign of royal ascendance. Karvas is fearful that Baron Sadanzo has already been crowned King of Siyen.

As they ride nearer, the leader of the troop—a Knight Bachelor—motions his horsemen to leave the trail and encircle you and the Prince. As they obey his command, the Knight Bachelor brings his snorting steed to a halt alongside your horse.

‘Hail, fellow riders,’ he says, with forced politeness. He raises the visor of his helmet and his dark, suspicious eyes scrutinise you from head to toe.

‘You are Northlanders, are you not? What business do you pursue here in the province of Cavalia?’

If you wish to answer that you are journeymen from Sommerlund who are travelling across Southern Magnamund to learn about its peoples and customs, turn to 140.

If you wish to answer that you are on your way to Seroa for the Harvestmas Day festival, turn to 173.

If you choose not to answer the Knight Bachelor’s questions, turn to 43.

Project AonMydnight’s Hero