The Buccaneers of Shadaki


You estimate that you are less than a mile from the mainland coast—a comfortable distance for a good swimmer, especially for one who possesses the strength and stamina of a Kai Grand Master.

You say farewell to Captain Radyard and he thanks you for your selflessness. He orders his crew to hoist the sails, and he tells his bo’sun to wave a white flag from the stern deck to signal to Sesketera that he is complying with his commands. A longboat is launched from The Triasus to collect you. It is carrying an officer and six marines, each armed with a half-pike and a Bor pistol. Radyard suggests that you go to the head of the boarding ladder so that you can surrender to the longboat’s officer when he comes aboard.

‘Who said anything about surrender?’ you retort.

‘But … I thought … ,’ stutters the captain.

‘I’ve no intention of surrendering to Sesketera!’ you say, and before Radyard can utter another word, you vault over the gunwale and plunge feet-first into the clear blue sea.

Turn to 128.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki