The Buccaneers of Shadaki


The city watch surround you and guard you at spear-point until two horse-drawn wagons come to take you away to the city gaol. As you are herded aboard these foul-smelling carriages, your Weapons, Kai Weapon, and Backpack Items are confiscated and dumped into a wooden crate beside the driver’s seat. (On your Action Chart mark each of these items with an asterisk [*] to indicate that they are no longer in your possession, but do not erase them at this time. Any Special Items you possess are allowed to remain with you.)

At the officer’s command the wagons move off at a speedy pace. After a few bruising minutes, your wagon emerges from the gloomy streets and ascends a smooth ramp which passes through the daunting gate of Ghol-Tabras gaol. Above this gate flutters a flag which depicts a black serpent entwined around the blade of a silver scimitar. It is the personal emblem of Sesketera, the ruler of this city, a man not known either for his kindness or for his mercy.

Turn to 265.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki