The Buccaneers of Shadaki


When you and the captain return to the main deck of the Seasprite, Ghol-Tabras is little more than a tiny speck shimmering on the far horizon. Your daring leap from the harbour bridge is still the talk of the crew and they are eager to shake your hand when Radyard proudly shows you around his ship. The Siyenese are a friendly crew with a keen sense of humour that they readily share. You enjoy being in their company and the next three days at sea pass effortlessly. On the evening of the fourth day, Radyard drops anchor off the coast at a place called Kastrow’s Door. It is a narrow strait that runs between the jungle mainland and the Isle of Kobra. The night is calm and clear, and the stirrings of a warm southerly breeze promise fine sailing for the following day. Yet despite these good omens you awaken next morning feeling ill at ease. As you are leaving your cabin to go on deck, suddenly you hear the lookout in the crow’s nest shout a warning that chills your blood: ‘Man o’war off the starboard bow!’

Turn to 16.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki