The Buccaneers of Shadaki


Melchar excuses himself and then goes to another table where he talks with a bearded man wearing a three-cornered hat. When he returns he is smiling.

‘Old Captain Leonghi owes me a favour or two,’ he says, cocking his thumb towards the man. ‘He can’t take you to Suhn but he’ll take you as far as Nhang, and he’s agreed to free passage. It’s a good offer. You’d be mad to try to go south from here on foot—the Koltains are full of bandits. You’d never make it there alive, or at least not completely in one piece.’

You thank Melchar for his help and accept the captain’s offer. He tells you that Leonghi will sail for Nhang in two days’ time. As you have a day free in the city, Melchar invites you to go with him to the Caeno Derby tomorrow. He won two tickets in a dice game last night and he would be pleased to give one of them to you. You accept and agree to meet him here in the taproom for breakfast before leaving for the racetrack.

Turn to 110.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki