The Buccaneers of Shadaki


You are awoken shortly before dawn by Lord Zinair who helps you prepare your Weapons and equipment before leaving the consulate. He accompanies you on horseback to the harbour where you go aboard a fishing boat crewed by consulate staff. On setting off from Suhn you head south, as if you are bound for the rich fishing grounds off the Azanam Peninsula. But shortly after Suhn disappears over the horizon, Zinair brings the boat to a stop and you are lowered over the side in a single-sailed wooden dinghy.

Lord Zinair tells you to take the Moonstone from your satchel and you obey his command. You cup the precious stone in both hands and a wind arises to fill your sail and propel you swiftly towards the mists of the Sea of Dreams.


Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 107.

If it is 5–9, turn to 2.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki