The Buccaneers of Shadaki


You retrace your steps along the winding alleyways of the Old Quarter and make your way back through the crowds to the harbour. Dusk is drawing its grey cloak across the cloudless sky by the time you reach The Azan, and when you go aboard you discover that the cargo has been fully loaded.

Captain Jenkshi is pleased with his crew and feels they deserve a reward for all their hard work. Half of his men would like to spend the night ashore at the Three Capstans Inn, one of their favourite taverns. The tavern-keeper delivered some fresh food to the ship during the afternoon, and he promised a free flagon of ale to any crew member who paid him a visit this evening. The captain gives his permission, but on one condition—all those who wish to go ashore this evening must be back on board before dawn breaks tomorrow.

‘We sail on the dawn tide,’ he bellows, ‘so don’t expect to find us still here if y’roll up late.’

If you wish to go ashore and visit the Three Capstans Inn, turn to 144.

If you decide to stay aboard with the captain and the remaining crew members, turn to 288.

Project AonThe Buccaneers of Shadaki