The Masters of Darkness


You drag the dead Drakkar behind the rocks and divest the body of its armour. Although not a perfect fit, the leather battle-jacket, leggings, and battle-mask make you look convincingly like a Drakkarim warrior. Apart from the armour5 (which you need not record on your Action Chart), you discover a number of items that may be of use to you on the road ahead:

  • Sword
  • Dagger
  • Bow
  • Quiver
  • 4 Arrows
  • 30 Kika (equivalent to 3 Gold Crowns)

If you decide to keep any of these items, remember to record them on your Action Chart.

The dead warrior’s horse is standing nearby, pawing the ground nervously. Using your innate Kai skill of Animal Kinship, you succeed in claiming him and making him obey your commands. Slowly he approaches and allows you to climb into the saddle. Once you are sure that you have control you flick your heels and head off at a canter along the trail to Argazad.

Turn to 200.

[5] Given the description of this armour which makes it seem to be lightweight (note that there is no ENDURANCE bonus for wearing it), it seems reasonable that it can be worn over other forms of armour.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness