The Masters of Darkness


As the last of the enemy warships disappears into the dark, the crew give a rousing cheer. Once more they have risked their lives to run the blockade, and once again they live to tell the tale. The captain requests a damage report, and is relieved to hear that both his ship and crew have survived the close encounter at little cost.

Before leaving the forecastle, he reminds the lookouts to remain vigilant. Sometimes the enemy place a second line of ironclads a few miles behind the first in order to catch blockade runners that slip through. He bids you goodnight, and, as he descends the stairs to his cabin, he orders the first mate to show you to your quarters at the stern.

If you wish to accompany the first mate to your cabin, turn to 339.

If you wish to hand the captain the envelope containing his new orders, turn to 142.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness