The Masters of Darkness


‘Be on your guard at all times,’ he says, solemnly. ‘The lesser creatures of Helgedad are a ruthlessly treacherous breed, forever preoccupied with their complex political intrigues. You will need to be doubly cunning if you are not to fall foul of their wilful machinations. The robe you wear marks you as one of Darklord Ghanesh’s minions. He is far away at present, leading his horde in distant Lencia, but his absence will be of little help to you. Avoid all who wear robes of green and scarlet, for they are followers of Xog and Taktaal, Ghanesh’s closest rivals. But above all, avoid those who wear silver-grey, the same colour as yourself, for they know their own kind and are sure to see through your disguise.’

He walks across the chamber and picks up a curious-looking device by which he is able to tell the time of day. ‘Come, follow me. Now you will learn how you are to breach the defences of Helgedad.’

Turn to 260.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness