The Masters of Darkness


While you languish in the cell, the Death Knight sergeant conveys your equipment to his commander, Darklord Kraagenskûl. At once he recognizes their origins and deduces your true identity. Word is sent to Gnaag, and within the space of four short hours he journeys to the naval base from the city of Helgedad. He orders you to be executed at the earliest opportunity and demands, on pain of death, that the task be accomplished successfully.

It is Darklord Kraagenskûl who suggests the method for your execution, and the irony of it appeals greatly to his master. At dawn, the Crystal Explosive that you had intended to use in Helgedad, is placed next to the door of the cell. The barracks are evacuated and the explosive is primed. Fifteen minutes later, your life and your mission are brought to an abrupt and final end.

Project AonThe Masters of Darkness