The Prisoners of Time


Before you lies a vast sea of grey-brown dust that stretches to the cloudy horizon. It is a drear and haunting panorama: a land once rich and fertile murdered by the curse of chaos. It instils in you a dread uncertainty that deepens as you trudge each weary mile from boulder to crag, and from crag to dry scrub—the only landmarks in this desert of desolation. You fight your growing despair, drawing strength from your vow to complete your quest. For the fate that has befallen Guakor will befall Sommerlund if you fail to find the last Lorestone and return to Magnamund to defeat Darklord Gnaag.

It is during your third stop for rest that you hear a noise in the silent wilderness. It comes from a group of tall boulders to your left. Immediately you rise to your feet and unsheathe a weapon as a huge but emaciated reptile, as grey as the dust, slinks slowly into view.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Animal Control, turn to 109.

If you do not possess this skill, turn to 227.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time