The Prisoners of Time


T’uk T’ron runs to your side, his face and crystal sword spattered with the black blood of his foes. ‘Hurry! This fight lost. You go … go now!’ he snaps, and points across the bridge to the hills beyond. A cursory glance confirms his grim statement. Only he and two of his guards remain standing and one fights left-handed, his right arm swinging broken and useless by his side. The others, including all the onipa, have been slain by the howling creatures of chaos.

Reluctantly you obey T’uk T’ron’s command and hurry across the bridge, whilst he and his brave Ookor guards fight to cover your escape. Not until you reach the first ridge of hills do you look back at the bridge, hoping to see T’uk T’ron and his guards victorious. But your hope is in vain—all that remains alive at the bridge is a ghoulish grey horde of feasting Agtah.

Turn to 114.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time