The Prisoners of Time


Warily you enter the room, noting that in spite of a lack of windows and torches it is bathed in a warm amber light. The opalescent glow pours from the walls themselves, illuminating a table set with colourful food and a huge, cushioned divan standing beside it. The oversize Yoacor furniture makes you feel like a small child exploring a dining chamber for adults, but your hunger soon quells your unease and entices you towards the table. You are very hungry after your long flight to Yanis and must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

If you have the Magnakai Discipline of Curing, turn to 78.

If you wish to eat some of the Yoacor food, turn to 119.

If you choose to eat a Meal from your Backpack, or decide to go without food altogether (remember to deduct 3 ENDURANCE points), turn to 231.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time