The Prisoners of Time


T’uk T’ron slaps the driver’s shoulder. Immediately he hauls on the reins and pulls at a lever which activates the wheel brakes, bringing the chariot to a squealing halt. The others stop nearby and the guards clamber down from the riding platforms unsteadily, their legs weak and trembling after hours of riding along the bumpy track. They are familiar with this village and without hesitation they head towards a thatched hut that is set back from the road.

You accompany the captain and his driver into the hut, stooping to enter the Ookor-sized doorway. The villagers seem delighted to receive you as their guest and ply you eagerly with food and wine. One of them, an elderly female with kindly eyes, hobbles to your side and places a deck of cards on the table. ‘She is teller of fortunes,’ says T’uk T’ron. ‘You want she tell your fortune, yes?’

If you wish to have your fortune told, turn to 24.

If you wish to refuse her offer politely, turn to 18.

Project AonThe Prisoners of Time