Shadow on the Sand


You have barely taken a dozen steps before you are seen. The giant armourer raises a massive hammer and strides forward, a bloodthirsty snarl escaping from between his clenched teeth. You prepare to defend yourself, but you are momentarily stunned when you see that the hammer is part of his right arm: it is, in fact, an enormous steel fist.


The armourer bellows a war-cry and you react just in time. The hammer tears a chunk of stone from the wall, less than an inch above your scalp.

Hammerfist the Armourer: COMBAT SKILL 18   ENDURANCE 30

Deduct 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of this combat due to the terrible heat of the forge room.

If you win the combat, turn to 111.

Project AonShadow on the Sand